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1 Destro  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 12:20:10pm

OOO! I am scared. Batshit crazy Pakistan already has them and they are al-Qaeda’s pals on the downlow.

2 Ace-o-aces  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 1:32:24pm

I’ve been hearing Iran is 6-months from the bomb several years now. Are Persian months longer than ours?

3 Destro  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 1:38:04pm

re: #2 Ace-o-aces

I’ve been hearing Iran is 6-months from the bomb several years now. Are Persian months longer than ours?


4 EPR-radar  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 3:25:53pm

re: #2 Ace-o-aces

I’ve been hearing Iran is 6-months from the bomb several years now. Are Persian months longer than ours?

Friedman units for Iranian nuclear weapons.

5 palomino  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 3:25:59pm

How is mid-2014 only “six months away”?

Is it too much to ask that you spend a few seconds doing basic math before your obligatory cut and paste?

6 stabby  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 6:20:32pm

Come on. Americans aren’t going to war in the middle east again.

So… it’s over. The place will be worse of a sewer, and if they threaten Europe, well I guess Nato will have to turn them into slag.

I fully trust the Europeans to have superior, violence free ethics until the first second they feel threatened, then they’ll probably take the easy way out and bomb till the rubble could be sprinkled on a doughnut

7 Chrysicat  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 5:49:16am

re: #6 stabby
And if they either announce they’ve joined the Club verbally or by nuking Tel Aviv, what are our options? Evacuate every Jew from Greater Palestine or…evacuate every Jew from Greater Palestine?

I faced facts that Romney—who I didn’t want on so many levels—would probably move US forces into Iran the day after his inaguration, but the fact is, that may be what we need unless we plan to extract every last Jew…

8 Destro  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 6:28:16am

And if they either announce they’ve joined the Club verbally or by nuking Tel Aviv, what are our options? Evacuate every Jew from Greater Palestine or…evacuate every Jew from Greater Palestine?

Americans like you who think like this are just showing how unworthy you are of being listened to when it comes to foreign policy. It shows you know nothing of the real world and how it works and what are the possible real life scenarios based on past facts like the fact Iran has not started a war for how many centuries?

Yes, that’s right, Iran-Iraq war? Started by Iraq.

Regarding, Iran’s religion making her want a apocalypse - that’s just American moonbats mouthing off about a regional religion they know shi’ite about.

So spare us the “Red Dawn” in the middle east fantasy scenarios.

9 Destro  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 6:29:35am

Come on. Americans aren’t going to war in the middle east again.

So… it’s over.

You sound sad that the US won’t go to war in the ME again……..

10 NJDhockeyfan  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 6:58:44am

re: #5 palomino

How is mid-2014 only “six months away”?

Is it too much to ask that you spend a few seconds doing basic math before your obligatory cut and paste?

Whoops! Thanks, I changed it. My math skills on Mondays aren’t up to par ;)

11 Chrysicat  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 7:30:19am

re: #8 Destro

Their president is on record as saying that the Holocaust never happened, but if it did it would have been a good start.

Their spiritual leader-who-actually-controls-the-country didn’t have him removed for that. That shows tacit approval. And only the last 33 years of Iran are anything resembling the current arrangement. You can’t take the actions of pre-1930 Persia and compare them to this country, nor can you even compare Mossadegh’s Iran to it.

12 Destro  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 9:57:37am

re: #11 Chrysicat

Their president is on record as saying that the Holocaust never happened, but if it did it would have been a good start.

So how does this lead to a nuclear missile being fired by Iran at Tel Aviv?

Help me do the math:

A) Iran’s unpopular president denies the holocaust

B) ?????

C) Iran fired a nuke at Tel Aviv.

Also, I am pretty sure the Iranian puppet president stated also that “the Holocaust was Europe’s fault so why should Palestinians be displaced for something Germans did.” The Iranian president is wrong and Israel’s founding is not linked to the Holocaust (it’s reasons for existing are independent and predate that tragic event) but that still does not explain how that leads to a nuclear attack by Iran on Israel.

Since the Iranian Islamic regime came to power they still have not started any wars - this despite being called insane religious fanatics by everyone in the right wing. left wing and mainstream media.

And I am pretty sure the USA - the leading nation of goodness in the world - had no problem dealing with the evil bastard who started the Iran-Iraq war and used chemical weapons (we kept dealing with Iraq after the fact without a hitch until Kuwait). How many wars of choice and nukes has the USA dropped vs Iran?

Maybe Americans are projecting their own way of thinking about the world (wars of choice, nuke dropping, genocide of Indians) on other people they know nothing about?

13 Cap'n Magic  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 5:11:41pm

re: #2 Ace-o-aces

Maybe we should call this the ‘Iran boimb’ unit, much like the Freidman Unit…

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